072318 salem police foundation check presentation

News Release from Salem Police Dept.

Posted on FlashAlert: July 23rd, 2018 7:54 PM

Downloadable file: Salem Police K-9 Ares

Salem, Ore. – Members of the Salem Police Foundation visited the Salem City Council on Monday, July 23, 2018 for a special presentation to the Salem Police Department. “We came tonight to present the City of Salem with a check in the amount of $175,000 for the Salem Police Department,” said Dan Wellert, Salem Police Foundation President.

The check represents funds raised for two projects; $100,000 toward the purchase of a mobile command vehicle and $75,000 for the purchase and training of three police service dogs.

The fundraising challenge started nearly two years ago when the Salem Police Foundation board members were interested in supporting a project that would help enhance department response to critical incidents or natural disasters. “It seemed like a lofty goal for us, but we knew we could count on the community to help us show support for the Salem Police Department,” stated Wellert.

While the foundation started a grassroots funding campaign, the City of Salem initiated a grant process through the Oregon Office of Emergency Management to garner support funding. The State Homeland Security grant was approved and with financial support from the foundation and the City of Salem, obtaining the mobile command vehicle became a reality. The vehicle is currently in build status and will arrive later in the summer.

Yet, the Salem Police Foundation’s generosity did not stop there. In late 2017 it was determined several police K-9s needed to be retired due to medical issues and injuries. Said Salem Police Chief Jerry Moore, “Once again, the Salem Police Foundation stepped up and demonstrated their generosity by raising sufficient funds to cover the cost of three new K-9s and their necessary training.”

Wellert shared, “On behalf of the SPF and myself, we want to thank all of our donors in the community for their gracious support. Both donation projects were pivotal for the continued safety of our community.”

“We are so lucky to live in a community where citizens not only thank our officers for their work, but contribute financially to help us keep Salem safe,” declared Moore.

For more information about the Salem Police Foundation, visit their website at www.salempolicefoundation.org.


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