Justin Carney Kidney Treatment Fundraiser

Detective Justin Carney is an 18-year law enforcement veteran working for the Salem Police Department. Born and raised in Salem, Justin graduated from McKay High School and pursued a police career thanks to the guidance of a memorable mentor from Justin’s youth. As a Salem Police officer, Justin has served in many assignments including patrol and narcotics investigations. He uses his problem-solving skills to increase safety and livability in the Salem community.

Justin is currently facing some significant health challenges. He is in stage 5 kidney failure with 7% kidney function remaining. He’s facing those challenges with the support of his family; his wife of 11 years, Jamie and their two children, ages ten and seven. Although he has been on dialysis for more than a year, Justin remains at his job as he heroically balances work and arduous medical circumstances.

The Carney Family could use our support as they face Justin’s kidney transplant operation and his recovery. Surgery will take place in Portland and he will be hospitalized for a duration, then return home to continue his recovery under the care of his wife. Jamie has quit her job to fully assist with his care. These fundraising efforts will help the Carney Family with the expenses related to the travel to Portland for pre-operative treatment and post-operative follow up and therapy.

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