Pete demuniz

At the November 2018 meeting of the Salem Police Foundation (SPF) Pete DeMuniz of DeMuniz Investigations was invited to join the board.

DeMuniz grew up in Salem and graduated from Sprague High School and Oregon State University.  At OSU he coached with legendary coach Dennis Erickson. This included coaching through the 2001 Fiesta Bowl. He went on to coach at Occidental College in Los Angeles and Northern Arizona University.

He returned to Salem to start DeMuniz Investigations LLC. He has been appointed a special referee on two occasions by Marion County Circuit Court Judges and has worked with attorneys on nine murder cases, three post-conviction death penalty cases and well over 100 Measure 11 criminal cases in his career.  From 2007-2013 Pete was also the lead investigator at the Public Defender of Marion County, Inc.

Executive Director, Mary Louise VanNatta, said, “Pete will be a great addition to our board. His local roots and relationship with law enforcement will be an asset.”


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